Deploy to Minikube

In this option you will test k8guard against a minikube context and will also deploy it to minikube. (safest way for development)

Setup and Start Minikube

  1. Install Minikube

  2. Start Minikube (with kubernetes v1.6.4)

    minikube start --memory 4096 --kubernetes-version v1.6.4

Build & Deploy to Minikube

Deploy Option 1: Run in minikube using Kafka, Zookeeper, Memcached and Cassandra

Do the following two commands in the same terminal:

  1. Use minikube docker
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
  2. Build and deploy
     make build-deploy-minikube

Deploy Option 2: Run in minikube with lighter weight dependencies of Redis and Cassandra

Do the following two commands in the same terminal:

  1. Use minikube docker
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
  2. Build and deploy
     make build-deploy-minikube-lightweight

Try It in Browser:

Give it a couple minutes, then hit the service urls:

  1. Discover-api service url:
    minikube service k8guard-discover-service
  2. Report service url:
      minikube service k8guard-report-service